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Figures : Punakawan

Indonesian people, especially Java, identical with the art of puppet show. Wayang or puppet is already established by UNESCO in 2003 as one of the Indonesian culture.  Besides that, wayang is the important cultural heritage in Indonesia. Wayang show is regarded as a Symbol of the human life daily. In the wayang show, the message contained teaching of moral values that sourced from local wisdom. Wayang show is an entertainment spectacle and guidance.

Wayang show has a high philosophical meaning. Wayang is a work of art filled with joy, sense, and meaning. One work with ethical and moral messages when it playing. Therefore, a thorough understanding of this wayang will make general public as the audience can reflect on the nature, purpose of life, and also the humanity place in this universe.

There are lots of figures contained in the wayang, one of that figure is Punakawan. This character, Punakawan, is an original poets artificial of Indonesia. Punakawan has a special attraction in the heart of the people until now. Many values contained in the characterizations Punakawan itself, for example is the values of wisdom, leadership, etc.

Punakawan’s character consist of four of the most recognizable figures in society, namely Semar, Petruk, Gareng, and Bagong. This figure usually most in waiting appearances by society, because Punakawan always brings humor, as well as a figure that carrying a symbol of happiness, wisdom, and safety in the Wayang’s world.

source : google

In Java terminology, ‘Pana’ or ‘Puna’ has the meaning clear, bright, meticulous, and astute in observing the meaning of human life. ‘Kawan’ has meaning friends. From that meaning, Punakawan means a friend who clever and capture all the meaning of events in life. Besides that, Punakawan can also be interpreted as a mentor or caregiver who has intelligence in science. All words can be trusted.

From that definition above, it is seen that the Punakawan have a pretty good stake in cases that lead to goodness. Punakawan is a reflection of figures that can lead people to follow the right path, the path leading straight to the Creator. Punakawan also describe the nature of most people in this world. The character of the figures Punakawan also vary, such as advisors, entertainers even a source of truth and wisdom. Anyone who follows the advice and guidance of the characters deal with Punakawan’s life, will receive the truth of the path that will lead them to the safety and happiness of the world and hereafter.

But this is only a general description of Punakawan own. There are many sources that must be assessed to determine the meaning of Punakawan thoroughly. I hope this little information will be useful for you.

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