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Great influence of the Protestant Reformation in the West

The Protestant Revolution (also known as Protestant Reformation) is the great phenomenon and it had indeed brought a big impact to the next human history. How can? It’s because many people in that era will begin to dare oppose the church. As you know, in that era, Church has a large influence to give order in a nation. Anyone who opposes the Church will be punished.

source : google.com

The Protestant Reformation can’t be separated from the Pope and Religious Leader that is not in accordance with the teachings of the Bible. Another reason is selling the indulgences massive. Furthermore, the Pope’s degradation moral is the other reason why Martin Luther initiating The Protestant Reformation.  

Here are the effects of The Protestant Reformation for the western world: 

  1. Christendom in Europe is separated in many parts. It becomes some small countries without ‘center power’ as Roman Pontifical Council.
  2. This Reformation movement also raises the seeds of political democracy. In other word, The Protestant Reformation is the beginning birth of the idea of democracy that imbued with religious and ethics values.
  3. The Protestant Reformation also raises seed of absolute power in Europe. Why that is happen? It’s because Martin Luther’s ideas about secular rulers which led to the conception power of the king in a state. The secular rulers seemed to get a doctrinal justification so they can rule all of people without control.
  4. Civil war between The Catholic and Calvinism (Peoples who trust with the John Calvin ideas) for centuries. This war leads to the emergence of the anti-Historical Christianity. Furthermore, the war cause many Catholic relics ranging like art, literature, sculpture, etc destroyed by Protestants.
  5. Massacre of St. Bartholomew in the night. In that incident, Catherine de Medici slaughtered about 2000 Protestants overnight alone.
  6. In Netherlands, there is a big incident like uprising of the people, especially happen to the peasants. Prince Philips massacring all Protestants by 10.000 troops. There was a terrible terror for the Protestants for 6 years. But in the end, Protestants strike back Prince Philips which lead to the savage war ‘in the Name of God’ and it ends in 1609. Protestants won the war.
  7. Christian parting into small parts that Lutherism, Calvinism, Anglicanism, Quakerism, and Catholicism. The existence of these flows make Europe split apart. Northern Germany, Sweden, and Norway adheres Lutherism. Scotland, Netherland, Switzerland, and France embraced Calvinism. Spain and Italy remain embraced Catholicism (Orthodox).

  • source : google.com
    Thus some impact of ‘terrible’ posed by the Protestant Reformation. If you (as reader of this blog)
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