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Punakawan Figures : Semar

Talking about Punakawan, there are four of the most recognizable figures. They are Semar, Petruk, Garong, dan Bagong. According to the story, that figures are highly respected and have some hidden values in every behavior, even the shape of their body. On this occasion, Cadel will give a little review about Semar as Punakawan leader.

Semar is Punokawan figures mysteriously. Some people call him Semar or Juru Dyah Prasanta. He first known in the Book of Gathutkaca Sraya, crafted by Empu Panuluh as a servant in charge of entertaining his bendara (read- master).  Then all of Semar's stories is developed by the artists become so diverse and finally to be a myth. For example, Banyumas society assume that Semar is alive and reigns on Srandil mountain. They believe and ngalap (read- ask) blessing of Kyai Semar.
Semar’s name is derived from the word ‘Ismar’ in Arabic that have meaning people who strengthens something wobbly. It is an emblem that Semar is a character that created to make all of things in the world sturdy without faltering. It also could mean that the religion brought by Wali (Missionaries Islam in Java) has a strong position.
(Solichin, 2010, Wayang Masterpiece Seni Budaya Dunia, Jakarta : Sinergi Persadatama Foundation. Hal 258)

The exixtence of Semar is highly respected, so sometimes there are people who believe that Semar is true, not just a myth. Honour for the Semar existence shows that Semar indeed has gained a special place in the hearts of the peoples who loves him. Semar is the most famous figures of the four Punakawan figures. Besides that, Semar is also believed to have the greatest strength and magic, even exceed the powers of the Gods. Although he is a powerful figure, but Semar is not arrogant, he even became servant and adviser to the knights.

Source : Google

Semar is described having a rounded body-ellipse, describing the shape of the world, as well as the shape of the abdomen and buttocks is almost as large as that illustrated the world is split into two parts, West and East (Buttocks and stomach). The division of the navel and anus will not meet one another. Semar’s face were not young and old as an illustration of the continuity of life. Semar has a tuft (pigtail) facing upwards as a sign that above all it is still no power of Almighty God. Besides that, Semar is a character that the male sex but he has breasts like a woman. It shows that in this world there are two sexes are male and female.
(Sri Mulyono, 1978, Apa dan Siapa Semar, Jakarta : Gunung Agung. Hal 51)

According to a story, Semar is an example that is not overbearing character with his strength and power. Semar is actually an incarnation of a Gods who coming down from the heaven. And other sources says that he descend to the earth in order to serve as guidelines for those who need him. In one story, one day Semar was walking around in empire. Without realizing it, an official came and spit at him. He try to test the patience of Semar. But it is very unfortunate because Semar not care about what these people do. This is because Semar is not a bad person who easily provoked by emotions. In the fact, Semar can use the amount of force, that equivalent to the power of Gods, to kill that person right there.

After Semar leave the kingdom, and unnoticed by Semar, Nature-who witnessed acts of the officials immediately. Suddenly the Tsunami came. Even mountain erupted to punish the kingdom.

This is a proof that Semar is a character who became a role model of many people. Although he was strong, but he is not arrogant. In fact, he loves those weak because he was living around ordinary people. Semar became a role model of many kings and become their trusted advisor. So that a little review on Semar. Hopefully this information useful for you.

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